This month has been all about FOOD! Wesley loves it, there’s never enough of it, and we got to celebrate America’s food holiday – Wesley’s first Thanksgiving!
Cat has been reading about something called baby lead weaning, which allows babies to eat pureed food along side the actual food item so the baby gets to know what they’re eating. You’ll see Wesley here with celery, steak, and a pear, as well as covered in purees and yogurt. What we’ve found is he likes just about every single thing we’ve given him. He’s had vegetables, meat, fruit, dairy…all of it is eaten ravenously with two spoons alternating as fast as Cat or I can keep them going.
Also this month, I found and bought a bottle of Old Forster Birthday Bourbon that I will be saving for Wesley’s 21st birthday. It’s a special yearly release, and being that this year was Wesley’s birth, I thought it would be cool to have the Birthday Bourbon. Speaking of things that will make sense in the future, we also received a gift from CCHS and Wesley got to show his pride as a future Centaur! It should be a great, embarrassing photo for his senior yearbook.
We took our first trip as a family to Joshua Tree. Wes didn’t tolerate being in a new place very well, but we made the most of it and had a nice drive through the park to see all of the rocks and trees. We stayed in a super hip AirBNB and got some nice pics with Wesley from someone else’s couch for a change.
He’s getting stronger, starting to sit up, and laughing a lot more. He knows his name, likes his toys, and doesn’t like sitting still (which I’m sure will only get worse). Everyday is more fun than the last!